Wednesday, 25 March 2020

COVID-19 Societal Task for every youngster to win Novel CoronaVirus Lockdown Mar 2020

Societal Task for youngsters to fight for nCorona :
  1.   Make a whatsapp group with name of your colony Say ABC_Enclave COVID19, if not already made.
  2.   If any information is received regarding relaxation put in group. 
  3. If any essential service provider come , message in group so that none family surrounding you get into crisis and take the same maintaining 1 meter distance.
  4. If anyone get to know that some outsider /unknown person is entering without permission , Inform not to let enter in society street
  5. If any person comes from foreign, inform in group so that all others may stay alert and stay distant.
  6. If any person has doubt on any person to be a suspected case and needs to be quarantined inform to surroundings neighbors via this group.
  7. Escalate curfew related all information or central/state/district administration issued orders in your group.
  8. Entertain your older ones.
  9. If any family is in any need of anything, report in group so that helpers may help in any way.
  10. Together unitely we can win over this pandemic ✌🏻✌🏻

Please share with maximum people across the nation so that each society has one group and each family gets updated news regarding curfew or essential things distribution and India win over this big disaster arised.
#coronavirus #COVID2019 #COVID19 #lockdown #Curfew #StayHomeIndia #CoronavirusLockdown

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